Wednesday, March 25, 2015

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The journalists who went through training on principles of peace journalism considered peaceful journalistic report is exactly the context another new one for them. Organization working to resolve conflicts that called.. (ACT) said that Funny Cats Videos and Cute Cats although it has completed its project 3 years in 2015, the Peace journalistic reports are still more important and necessary in framework for the media in the country.

The newspaper considered the report a new style called the press reports on a peace offer new knowledge more professional in the media based on the information. Reported to the principles of peace, try to reduce conflict and increase the resolution is an important ingredient for countries development such as this Funny Cats videos.

TV News Directors Southeast Asia Van said after the end of the organization's evaluation of completed projects.. From the morning of March 22, Peace journalistic course this is really helping you to make reports very high values ​​and because of trying to balance the message for the public: 'We always assembled in the meeting especially information related to various disputes and violence.

President of the organization's project team to resolve conflicts that called Peace News reports this information are not the views of Funny Cats Videos and Cute Cats the author reports the profession and its ethics. In addition, there is tendency to resolve conflicts, rather than trying to create problems. The information does not serve any party or any individual influence.

Both universities and Conditions television reporters.. Internet (CTN) and the Free Muni RFI radio and the Cambodia-China went through the training, the perception that lessons about journalistic principles of peace is really making information available reliable and accurate because the report given equal opportunity to the parties involved in the story views: If we have a bias, as well as a lot of self-expression is not it important that we take what of course. Change the way of peace and non-violence.

President of the organization's projects.. Mrs. Connor Sophy said after completing the course evaluation completed projects around 3 years to increase knowledge sector why the Dispute Resolution team chose a project involving Funny Cats Videos and Cute Cats journalists because they are very influential people In most societies. She added that journalists can help policy makers to make the right decisions can make a changes in society: wine, as we know, and that journalism is a major milestone that journalism is to share what events which occur in the society.

Meanwhile, there is criticism about the responsibility of the state institutions in charge of information that seems to have little response when asked ask for any information involving corruption and investment projects. Currently the country is Funny Cats Videos and Cute Cats hastening the legislation on access to information. Separate media professionals understand that if the bill was passed by the National Assembly, it can help a lot to serve the public better

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